In my book: $\mathbf{X}=(X_1,\ldots,X_n)$ $f(\mathbf{x})$ is the joint density, where $f$ is either $f_0 \text{ or } f_1$.
Suppose we want to test $H_0: f=f_0$ or $H_1: f=f_1$. The test, whose test function is
$$\phi(\mathbf{X})=1\text{ if }\frac{f_1}{f_0}\geq k;$$
$$\phi(\mathbf{X})=0 \text{ otherwise,}$$
(for some $0<k<\infty$) is a most powerful test of $H_0$ versus $H_1$ at level $E_0(\phi(\mathbf{X}))$.
My question is how is $k$ defined? Can I interpret the lemma as if $\forall k \in (0,\infty)$ there will be a test function $\phi(\mathbf{X})$ such that it will determine the size for which the test with test function $\phi(\mathbf{X})$ is most powerful?
I'm just trying to understand which kind of relationship $k$ and the size of the test have between each other.
Here is a citation from the book I'm using: «the Neyman-Pearson lemma as stated here does not guarantee the existence of an MP $\alpha$ level test but merely states that the test that rejects $H_0$ for $T(X)\geq k$ will be an MP for some level $\alpha$» This makes me want to interpret as $\forall k \exists \alpha$. May I?