Let's do it somewhat like the way the Rev. Thomas Bayes did it in the 18th century (but I'll phrase it in modern probabilistic terminology).
Suppose $n+1$ independent random variables $X_0,X_1,\ldots,X_n$ are uniformly distributed on the interval $[0,1]$.
Suppose for $i=1,\ldots,n$ (starting with $1$, not with $0$) we have:
$$Y_i = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if }X_i<X_0 \\ 0 & \text{if }X_i>X_0\end{cases}$$
Then $Y_1,\ldots,Y_n$ are conditionally independent given $X_0$, and $\Pr(Y_i=1\mid X_0)= X_0$.
So $\Pr(Y_1+\cdots+Y_n=k\mid X_0) = \dbinom{n}{k} X_0^k (1-X_0)^{n-k},$ and hence
$$\Pr(Y_1+\cdots+Y_n=k) = \operatorname{E}\left(\dbinom{n}{k} X_0^k (1-X_0)^{n-k}\right).$$
This is equal to
\int_0^1 \binom nk x^k(1-x)^{n-k}\;dx.
But the event is the same as saying that the index $i$ for which $X_i$ is in the $(k+1)$th position when $X_0,X_1,\ldots,X_n$ are sorted into increasing order is $0$.
Since all $n+1$ indices are equally likely to be in that position, this probability is $1/(n+1)$.
Thus $$\int_0^1\binom nk x^k(1-x)^{n-k}\;dx = \frac{1}{n+1}.$$