Related to: Newly Developed With Details - Describing orthographic projection using simple 2D transformations
Given an arbitrary 2D linear transform (which may include shear, i.e. the vectors or the basis may not form a straight angle), it is possible to decompose it into transforms that are only horizontal/vertical scaling (i.e. matrices of the form $\pmatrix{s_x&0\\0&s_y}$) and pure rotation (i.e. matrices of the form $\pmatrix{\cos \theta&-\sin\theta\\\sin\theta&\cos\theta}$).
The minimal number of steps to do so is probably 3:
- Rotate it so that the next scaling step will give it the correct shape.
- Scale it to give it the proper shape.
- Rotate it into the final position.
In other words, it seems to be always possible to find parameters $\theta, s_x, s_y, \phi$ such that:
$$M = \pmatrix{m_{00}&m_{01}\\m_{10}&m_{11}} = \pmatrix{\cos\phi&-\sin\phi\\\sin\phi&\cos\phi} \pmatrix{s_x&0\\0&s_y} \pmatrix{\cos\theta&-\sin\theta\\\sin\theta&\cos\theta}$$
I don't know if it's always possible to do so. I have the hunch that it is. I could not figure out how; I got a big system of nonlinear equations when I tried by myself. That decomposition has 4 d.o.f. as does the original linear transform, which hints that if it's correct, then it's minimal (you can't do it with 2 rotations or 2 scalings, and you don't have enough d.o.f. with 1 rotation + 1 scaling).
I tried with Inkscape and trial and error, and I could not find any rhomboid I couldn't transform into a square, but I might have not tried hard enough.
My questions:
Is that decomposition always possible?Already answered by Rahul in a comment (thanks!): it's called Singular Value Decomposition)- If so, how to calculate $\theta, s_x, s_y, \phi$?
If not, how can it be done in the least number of steps?(Mooted by the answer to question 1).- (New question) I found a solution with 4 (sometimes 5) steps, posted in the linked question but it was somewhat convoluted. However, the SVD seems to be complex to calculate. Should I just go with my 4-5 step solution, or is there a simple enough way to perform the decomposition? I've found this answer: but it looked kind of overkill and I don't understand how to use the code for this case. I also didn't understand how to use the analytical result for the 2x2 case from the Wikipedia page, so if it's easier, an explanation on using it would help too.