I'm trying to study universal algebra and lattice theory by myself. Just got stuck with an exercise from Gratzer's "General Lattice Theory" and it seems to me that I don't fully understand the notion of the WAP (Weak Amalgamation Property) and may be of the variety of algebras.
Here is the definition from the book:
A class $\mathbb{K}$ of algebras is said to have the Weak Amalgamation Property iff for any $B_0, B_1 \in \mathbb{K}$ there exists a $C \in \mathbb{K}$ into which both $B_0$ and $B_1$ can be embedded.
And then it's said that any variety of lattices has this property since we can form the direct product $C = B_0 \times B_1$ with the embeddings $\psi_0 \colon x \mapsto (x, b_1)$ and $\psi_1 \colon x \mapsto (b_0, x)$, where $b_0 \in B_0$ and $b_1 \in B_1$ are the fixed elements.
Problem: Show that the class of all Boolean algebras doesn't have the WAP.
- Why can't we follow the same argument as for lattices: form the direct product with the embeddings? It seems to me that this can be done for any class of algebras closed under the direct products. Where am I mistaken?
- Do the Boolean algebras form a variety (and in particular is closed under the direct products by the Birkhoff's HSP theorem)? I thought so, because this class can be axiomatized, but now I doubt it. Can someone give me an example of two Boolean algebras such that their direct product is not a Boolean algebra?
If the answer on the second question is negative then I should look for the counterexample to WAP among infinite Boolean algebras, since I'm sure that for finite ones their direct product is a Boolean algebra.
Attempted answers:
Now it seems to me that the main reason for which we can't follow the same argument as for lattices is that in the case of the Boolean algebras the maps $\psi_0 \colon x \mapsto (x, b_1)$ and $\psi_1 \colon x \mapsto (b_0, x)$, where $b_0 \in B_0$ and $b_1 \in B_1$ are fixed elements, aren't the homomorphims of Boolean algebras because of the constants $0$ and $1$ and their images ($0$ should be mapped to $(0, 0)$ and $1$ should be mapped to $(1, 1)$, hence we can't choose such fixed $b_1 \in B_1$). So now I'm sure that the second question has positive answer: the class of Boolean algebras is a variety and it's closed under the direct products.
But I still have no ideas about the counterexample to WAP. I think that my argument about finite algebras is valid, since it seems to me that any Boolean algebra $B^n$ on $n$ generators contains a subalgebra $B^m$ for any $m = \overline{1, n}$ (I haven't yet tried to prove it formally, but it seems that if we take an apropriate set of atoms as a generating set we'll get the desired subalgebra) so there is no need in the direct product, and hence the class of finite Boolean algebras has the WAP.
So at least one of the algebras $B_0$ or $B_1$ must be infinite. But I don't know how to proceed unless looking over various pairs (infinite\infinite or infinite\finite) of the Boolean algebras. Thanks!