I was trying to solve a question from a competitive exam paper. This is a part of that question.
Let $I_n$ and $O_n$ be $n\times n$ identity and null matrices respectively.Let $S$ be $2n\times 2n$ matrix given in block form by $$S=\begin{bmatrix} O_n & I_n \\ -I_n & O_n\end{bmatrix}$$
If $X$ is a $2n\times 2n$ matrix such that $X^tS+SX=O_{2n}$ then determine wheather trace of $X$ is zero or not.
From the given information in the question I just managed to find that $S^t=-S$(i.e $S$ is skew symmetric) and det($S$)=$1$. Then $SX=-X^tS=X^tS^t=(SX)^t\Rightarrow SX$ is symmetric. Also det($SX$)=det($X$).
Am I right upto this?and I do not know whether these are necessary or not to solve the problem. I can not proceed further,completely stuck.
Please help.Thnx in advance.