Denesting $\sqrt w = \sqrt{a+b\sqrt{n}}\,$ can be done by a simple formula that I discovered as a teenager.
$ {\bf Simple\ Denesting\ Rule} \ \ \overbrace{\rm \color{#0a0}{subtract\ out}\ \sqrt{norm}^{\phantom .}}^{\textstyle\!\!\! w \to w - \sqrt{ww'} =:\, s\!\!\!\!\!\!}\!\!\!, \ {\rm then}\ \ \overbrace{\color{brown}{\rm divide\ out}\ \sqrt{{\rm trace}}^{\phantom .}}^{\textstyle s\,\to\, s/\sqrt{s+s'}\!\!\!\!\!\!\!}$ from that.
$\!\begin{align}{\rm Recall}\ \ w = a + b\sqrt{n}\rm \ \ has\ \ {\bf norm}\ &=\: w\:\cdot\: w' = (a + b\sqrt{n})\ \cdot\: (a - b\sqrt{n})\ =\: a^2\! - n\: b^2\\[4pt]
{\rm and,\ furthermore,\ }w\rm \ \ has\ \ {\bf trace}\ &=\: w+w' = (a + b\sqrt{n}) + (a - b\sqrt{n})\: =\: 2\,a\end{align}$
In the norm/trace sqrts either sign works e.g. $\sqrt 1 = \pm1,\,$ so we choose what proves simplest.
Here $\:161-72\sqrt 5\:$ has norm $= 1.\:$ $\rm\ \color{#0a0}{subtracting\ out}\ \sqrt{norm}\ = -1\ $ yields $\ 162-72\sqrt 5\:$
which has $\ {\rm\ \sqrt{trace}}\: =\: \sqrt{324}\ =\ 18.\ \ \ \ \rm \color{brown}{Dividing\ it\ out}\ \,$ of the above yields $\ \ \ 9-4\sqrt 5$
Next $\:9-4\sqrt 5\:$ has norm $= 1.\:$ $\rm\ \color{#0a0}{subtracting\ out}\ \sqrt{norm}\ = 1\ $ yields $\ 8-4\sqrt 5\:$
with $\ {\rm\ \sqrt{trace}}\: =\: \sqrt{16}\ =\ 4.\ \ \ \ \rm \color{brown}{Dividing\ it\ out}\,\ $ of the above yields $\,\ \ \ 2-\sqrt 5$
Negating $\,2-\sqrt 5\,$ to get the positive square-root yields the sought result. We chose the signs in $\,\sqrt 1 = \pm 1$ so that arithmetic is simplest. Any choice will work as the proof below shows (e.g. we do both here). For many worked examples see prior posts on denesting. Below is a sketch of a proof.
Lemma $\ \ \sqrt w\, =\, \dfrac{s}t,\ \ \ \begin{align}s &\,=\, w \pm \sqrt{ww'}\\[.1em] t &\,=\: \pm\sqrt{s+s'}\end{align}\ $ when $\ \ \color{#90f}{\sqrt{ww'}\in\Bbb Q}$
Proof $\quad\ s^2 =\, w (w+w' \pm 2\sqrt{ww'})\, =\, w\, t^2$
Necessarily $\ \color{#90f}{\sqrt{ww'}\in \Bbb Q}\,$ if a denesting $\sqrt w = v = c + d\sqrt n\,$ exists, since
$$w = v^2\,\Rightarrow\, w' = v'^2\Rightarrow\, ww' = (vv')^2\in\Bbb Q^2\qquad$$
Or $\rm \,\ x^2-t\:\!x+n^2 = 0\iff (t+2n)\,x = (x+n)^2\iff x = {\large \left[\frac{x+n}{\sqrt{t+2n}} \right]}^2$