In what follows, all categories are assumed to be small (classes of objects and morphisms are sets).
Which mathematical structures $X$ can be seen as particular cases of small categories $\underline{X}$, so that the morphisms $X\to Y$ of those structures coincide with functors $\underline{X}\to \underline{Y}$?
So far, I have:
- set $S$ (objects are elements of $S$, there are no morphisms except identities); a set is precisely a category without non-identity morphisms;
- semigroup $S$ (one object, morphisms are elements of $S$, composition is multiplication in $S$); a unital semigroup is precisely a category with just one object; a group is precisely a category with one object and all morphisms invertible;
- multidigraph $\Gamma$ (objects are vertices of $\Gamma$, morphisms are directed paths, composition is concatenation); a multidigraph is precisely a free category;
- posets $P$ (objects are elements of $P$, morphisms are elements of $\leq$); posets are precisely categories with at most one arrow between any two objects).
Basically I'm asking is
What known (popular) categories are full subcategories of $\textsf{Cat}$, the category of all small categories and functors? How about topological spaces? Rings? Modules? Lattices? Simplicial complexes?
Is the category algebra studied for such cases?
I'm beginning to realize that associative algebras seem to be the central concept through which all others are studied, such as groups (group algebras), rings ($\mathbb{Z}$-algebras), ideals (associated graded algebras), modules (tensor, symmetric, exterior algebras), Lie algebras (universal enveloping algebras), simplicial complexes (Stanley-Reisner algebras), small categories (categorical algebras such as semigroup, incidence, quiver algebras), topological spaces (algebra of continuous functions to $\mathbb{R}$), affine and projective algebraic sets (coordinate algebras). Thus I'm wondering how much the category algebras really cover.