currently I am studying a few introductory things on Coding Theory but I have a small problem on understanding a few things.
I really cant understand how can I create a Parity matrix for H(7,4) if I don't have the Generator.
I saw some implementations on Matlab for example, and they use something called parity submatrix, and from this they create the H and the G.
For example, here is defined a parity-sub matrix (3 columns and 4 rows) for a Hamming(7,4) code: A = [ 1 1 1;1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1 ]; The author of this states: "Parity submatrix-Need binary(decimal combination of 7,6,5,3)"
Now the real question is, are there some specific rules on how to create the parity sub matrix or no?
Thanks in advance!