Given the following composition of functions:
$h:\Bbb R^k\rightarrow\Bbb R$
$g:\Bbb R^n\rightarrow\Bbb R$
There are known rules which guarantee convexity/concavity of $f$, for example:
$f$ is convex if: $h$ is convex, $h$ is nondecreasing in each argument, and $g_i$ are convex.
It seems all such rules require $h$ to be monotonic. Are there any such convexity rules that do not require monotonicity of $h$? In other words, given a convex/concave nonmonotonic function $h$ is there any way to choose $g_i$ such that $f$ is convex/concave?
To clarify what my goal is: I have a convex function $h$ which I know, and I want to let an external "user" supply $g$. I do not know what $g$ will be but I want to be able to provide guidelines on what types of $g$ would allow $f$ to be convex function.