For a nice source of examples, see
I. M. Isaacs: Commutators and the Commutator Subgroup. The American Mathematical Monthly. Vol. 84, No. 9 (Nov., 1977), pp. 720-722
which you can get from JSTOR.
Using GAP I find that the two examples of order 96, which is the minimal possible order, are the groups generated by the following two lists of permutations on $32$ elements.
[ (3,8,6)(4,7,5)(9,27,17)(10,28,18)(11,30,22)(12,29,21)(13,26,23)(14,25,24)(15,31,20)(16,32,19),
(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8)(9,10)(11,12)(13,14)(15,16)(17,18)(19,20)(21,22)(23,24)(25,26)(27,28)(29,30)(31,32) ]
[ (3,7,5)(4,8,6)(9,25,17)(10,26,18)(11,31,21)(12,32,22)(13,27,23)(14,28,24)(15,29,19)(16,30,20),
(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8)(9,10)(11,12)(13,14)(15,16)(17,18)(19,20)(21,22)(23,24)(25,26)(27,28)(29,30)(31,32) ]
(They have GAP ids $(96, 3)$ and $(96, 203)$ respectively.)
Later: I used the following very simple-minded code to find the groups
chk := function (g)
local comms, sub;
comms := Set(List(Cartesian(g, g), p -> p[1]*p[2]*p[1]^-1*p[2]^-1));
sub := Set(DerivedSubgroup(g));
return Size(comms) = Size(sub);
examples := AllSmallGroups(96, chk, false);
This works because I remembered there were examples of order 96. To get the permutation representations I did, for example,