I'm trying to show that they're equivalent statements:
1) $1_{S^1}$ is not homotopic to a constant map.
2) $S^1$ is not a retract of $D^2$ ($D^2$ is the closed unit ball).
3) Every continuous map $f:D^2\to D^2$ has a fixed point.
1)$\to$2) I suppose the opposite, then there exists $r:D^2\to S^1$ continuous such that $r(x)=x$ for every $x\in S^1$. How can we show that $1_{S^1}$ is homotopic to a constant?
2)$\to$3) I suppose that there exists $f:D^2\to D^2$ such that $f(x)\neq x$ for every $x\in D^2$, but I don't know how to prove that $S^1$ would be a retract of $D$.
3)$\to$1) Of course I tried to suppose that $1_{S^1}$ is homotopic to a constant, and show a map without fixed points.
Any hint? Thanks.