When studying algebraic topology we learned about the fundamental group of the $2$-torus $T^2$ which is isomorphic to
$$\langle a, b \mid aba^{-1}b^{-1} \rangle$$
(the free abelian group on two generators)
Analogously, we can compute the fundamental group $\pi_1(K^2)$ of the Klein bottle, that is isomorphic to
$$\langle a,b \mid abab^{-1} \rangle $$
Now, when starting to consider Cayley graph, I noticed that there are constructions to picture a free group on two generators (non-abelian). Are there similar constructions in order to picture groups with torsion?
For the cyclic group $\Bbb Z_n$, one can consider the $n$-cycle graph.
Is there a consequent way of constructing graph representations of groups with relations?