I was writing this question, and I came up with an answer, so I thought I would answer it myself:
In considering representations of $S_n$, among others, we have the "sign representation", that is the one-dimensional representation $$ \rho_{\Sigma}:S_n \to \mathbb{C}^{\times}: \tau \mapsto \text{sgn}(\tau). $$
When we are finding irreducible representations of $S_n$, sometimes the argument in books I read proceeds as follows: we find an irreducible representation $\rho$ on $V$. We note that the character of $\rho \otimes \rho_{\Sigma}$ is distinct from that of $\rho$. Then we conclude that $\rho \otimes \rho_{\Sigma}$ must be another irreducible representation.
The character table tells us that $\rho \otimes \rho_{\Sigma}$ is different from $\rho$, but how do we know that it is irreducible?