The problem
Let $\alpha$ and $\beta$ be two limit ordinals. Show that $1$. $\implies$ $2$., where
$\qquad 1$. $cf(\alpha)$ < $cf(\beta)$
$\qquad 2$. Every increasing $h: \alpha \to \beta$ has a range that is bounded in $\beta$.
Note that we do not restrict $2$. to strictly increasing functions.
Does the implication hold if we do not even demand $h$ to be increasing?
My attempt at a solution
Let $\alpha$ and $\beta$ be two limit ordinals, and let $cf(\beta) = \beta_1$.
It seems to me that we must have $\alpha < \beta_1 = cf(\beta)$, because if $\alpha \geq \beta_1$ we would have $cf(\alpha) \geq cf(\beta_1) = \beta_1 = cf(\beta)$, contrary to our assumption $1$. So, since $\beta_1$ is the least ordinal such that there exist an $f:\beta_1 \to \beta$ that has a range that is unbounded in $\beta$ (i.e. $\forall b \in \beta \ \ \exists \, b_1 \in \beta_1$ s.t. $f(b_1) > b$), doesn't it follow that any function from any smaller ordinal than $\beta_1$ would have a range that would be bounded in $\beta$ (in particular including the $h$ in $2$.)?
I feel like I must have overlooked something since I don't use the fact that $h$ is increasing. If anyone could explain where I went wrong (if it is wrong, that is) I would be very grateful!
Thanks in advance!
Some definitions
- If $f:\alpha \to \beta$, $f$ maps $\alpha$ cofinally iff $\text{ran}(f)$ is unbounded in $\beta$.
- The cofinality of $\beta$ ($cf(\beta)$), is the least $\alpha \ $ s.t. there is a map from $\alpha$ cofinally into $\beta$.