I have an exercise to answer, and I don't know if I've done it the right way. This is only a little part of the exercise, but I have to know if what I've done so far is correct. Here we go:
Let $V$ be a $K$-vector space and $\dim(V)=4$. Let $B_{1}=(u_1,u_2,u_3,u_4)$ be a basis of $V$. Let $W$ be a $K$-vector space and $\dim(W)=3$. Let $B_{2}=(v_1,v_2,v_3)$ be a basis of $W$.
Let $f,g$ be linear transformations such that:
\begin{equation*} f : V \rightarrow W ,\\ g : W \rightarrow W , \end{equation*}
defined by $f(\lambda_1u_1+\lambda_2u_2+\lambda_3u_3+\lambda_4u_4)=(2\lambda_1+4\lambda_2+5\lambda_3-\lambda_4)v_1+(-\lambda_1+\lambda_2-\lambda_3-\lambda_4)v_2+(\lambda_1+\lambda_2+2\lambda_3+a\lambda_4)v_3$
with $a \in K$.
Now I have to find the matrix of $f$ with the basis $B_1$ on the start and $B_2$ on the end, this is:$ M(f,B_1,B_2)$, and the matrix of $g$ with the basis $B_2$ on the start and $B_2$ on the end, this is:$ M(g,B_2,B_2)$. and then, the matrix of $g \circ f$ on $B_1$ and $B_2$.
What I have done is, for example with $f$ (with $g$ I think that I have to do it the same way), to write it like this, using that $f$ is linear:
$\lambda_1f(u_1)+\lambda_2f(u_2)+\lambda_3f(u_3)+\lambda_4f(u_4)= \lambda_1(2v_1-v_2+v_3)+\lambda_2(4v_1+v_2+v_3)+\lambda_3(5v_1-v_2+2v_3)+\lambda_4(-v_1-v_2+av_3)$,
and then I saw the relation $f(u_1)=2v_1-v_2+v_3, f(u_2)=4v_1+v_2+v_3, \dots$
Is that right? Thank you!