I am assuming you mean strictly doing everything in $\Bbb Q$, including eventual transmission. It is not sensible to do computations in $\Bbb Q$ and reducing to $\mathbb F_p$ before sending out since that is harder to do and you do not gain anything. The summary of the following discussion is that you cannot use any generated points to keep secrets.
Points $P$ in an Elliptic Curve $E$ over $\Bbb Q$ are of the form
$$P=T+k_1Q_1+k_2Q_2+\cdots+k_rQ_r \quad k_1,\dots,k_r\in\Bbb Z$$
where $r$ is the rank of $E$ and $T$ is a torsion point.
It is well-known that there at most 16 possible $T$ by Mazur's Torsion Theorem.
The maximum value of $r$ is unknown: the current best result is 18.
There are known examples that has rank at least 28 but for those we do not know the exact $r$.
This means that when we construct Elliptic Curves over $\Bbb Q$, more or less it is generated by $\leq 18$ points, by choosing $k_1,\dots,k_r$. i.e. there are not many possibilities for $Q_i$'s, so you need $k_i$'s to be difficult to guess.
Now the problem is, given $P$, generally you can find $k_1,\dots,k_r$ easily.
Whenever you add some $Q_i$, the values in the point $(X,Y)$ increases significantly.
Moreover, the size is strictly increasing after the small values and the growth is predictable.
This means looking at $P$ you can tell the range of values for $k_i$ and it will be trivial to test these values.
Let us look at an example.
The Elliptic Curve
has rank 2 generated by $Q_1=(-5,10),Q_2=(-3,12)$.
Take $P=(-5,10)$ and consider $\varphi(P)=\{P,[2]P,[3]P,\dots\}$.
We will get:
$$\left\{(-5,10),\left(\dfrac{394}{25}, \dfrac{-7478}{125} \right), \left(\dfrac{148795}{269361},\dfrac{1212735770}{139798359} \right), \left(\dfrac{25189696321}{5592048400},\dfrac{-3233187530793631}{418173379352000}\right),\left(\dfrac{41697179388698395}{10487471993072881}, \dfrac{7244632674771290918438950}{1074004796869053110612279}\right),\dots\right\}$$
Notice that the growth is exponential. More precisely, the maximum value of numerator and denominator of $x$-coordinates is roughly squared when it goes from $P\to 2P$. So if indeed a generated $P$ is of the form $P=k_1Q_1$, then using this reference it is easy to tell what $k_1$ is like. In practice there are formula for the sizes.
The same method can be generalized to include all $Q_i$'s, so if I look at a generated $P$, the sizes of the coordinates will already tell me what kind of $k_i$'s are used to generate it. Therefore you cannot use it to keep secrets since they are guessable. This does not happen in finite fields since the values wrap around and you cannot tell how many times that occurs.