Here is the second installment that answers the converse in the affirmative. The result is not easy to establish. One method of proof uses the spectral calculus for self-adjoint operators, but this is like cracking a nut with a sledgehammer. I provide a softer approach below, which exploits the geometric properties of Hilbert spaces.
Lemma 1
Every bounded sequence in a Hilbert space contains a weakly
convergent subsequence.
This follows from the reflexivity of Hilbert spaces. Q.E.D.
Lemma 2
Every weakly convergent sequence in a Hilbert space is bounded.
This follows from the Uniform Boundedness Principle. Q.E.D.
Definition 1
Let $ \mathcal{H} $ be a Hilbert space, and let $ C $ be a fixed
collection of sequences in $ \mathcal{H} $. Given a sequence $
(\mathbf{x}_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $ in $ \mathcal{H} $, we say
that $ (\mathbf{x}_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $ can be approximated by
$ C $ if for every sequence $ (\epsilon_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $ of
positive real numbers, there exists a $ (\mathbf{c}_{n})_{n \in
\mathbb{N}} \in C $ such that $ \| \mathbf{c}_{n} - \mathbf{x}_{n}
\|_{\mathcal{H}} < \epsilon_{n} $ for all $ n \in \mathbb{N} $.
Definition 2
Let $ \mathcal{H} $ be a Hilbert space. We denote by $
\mathbf{BOS}(\mathcal{H}) $ the set of all bounded orthogonal
sequences in $ \mathcal{H} $.
Lemma 3
Let $ \mathcal{H} $ be a Hilbert space, and let $
(\mathbf{x}_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $ be a weak null-sequence in $
\mathcal{H} $. Then $ (\mathbf{x}_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $ contains
a subsequence that can be approximated by $
\mathbf{BOS}(\mathcal{H}) $.
Let $ (\mathbf{x}_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $ be a weak null-sequence
in $ \mathcal{H} $. Fix a sequence $ (\epsilon_{n})_{n \in
\mathbb{N}} $ of positive real numbers. We inductively define a new
sequence $ (\mathbf{v}_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $ in $ \mathcal{H} $
and an increasing sequence $ (\alpha_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $ of
positive integers as follows:
Set $ \alpha_{1} := 1 $ and $ \mathbf{v}_{1} := \mathbf{x}_{1} $.
For each $ n \in \mathbb{N} $, suppose that $ \alpha_{1},\ldots,\alpha_{n} $ and $ \mathbf{v}_{1},\ldots,\mathbf{v}_{n} $ have been defined. As $ (\mathbf{x}_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $ converges weakly to $ 0_{\mathcal{H}} $, we can choose a smallest positive integer $ k > \alpha_{n} $ such that
\left\| \sum_{i=1}^{n} \lambda_{i} \mathbf{v}_{i} \right\|_{\mathcal{H}} < \epsilon_{n},
\lambda_{i} = \left\{
\dfrac{\langle \mathbf{x}_{k},\mathbf{v}_{i} \rangle}{\| \mathbf{v}_{i} \|_{\mathcal{H}}^{2}} &\text{, if $ \| \mathbf{v}_{i} \|_{\mathcal{H}} > 0 $}; \\
0 &\text{, if $ \| \mathbf{v}_{i} \|_{\mathcal{H}} = 0 $}.
\end{array} \right.
Then set
\alpha_{n+1} := k \quad \text{and} \quad \mathbf{v}_{n+1} :=
\mathbf{x}_{k} - \sum_{i=1}^{n} \lambda_{i} \mathbf{v}_{i}.
Notice that $ (\mathbf{v}_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $ is the result of
applying the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure to $
(\mathbf{x}_{\alpha_{n}})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $, which is a
subsequence of $ (\mathbf{x}_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $. Therefore, $
(\mathbf{v}_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $ is an orthogonal sequence. By
Lemma 2, $ (\mathbf{x}_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $ is bounded, so $
(\mathbf{v}_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \in \mathbf{BOS}(\mathcal{H}) $.
Finally, $ \| \mathbf{v}_{n} - \mathbf{x}_{\alpha_{n}}
\|_{\mathcal{H}} < \epsilon_{n} $ for all $ n \in \mathbb{N} $. Q.E.D.
Let $ \mathcal{H} $ and $ \mathcal{K} $ be Hilbert spaces. Let $ T:
\mathcal{H} \rightarrow \mathcal{K} $ be a bounded linear operator
that maps every orthonormal sequence (hence every bounded orthogonal sequence) in $ \mathcal{H} $ to a strong
null-sequence in $ \mathcal{K} $. Then $ T $ is a compact operator.
Let $ (\mathbf{x}_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $ be a bounded sequence in
$ \mathcal{H} $. By Lemma 1, there exists a weakly convergent
subsequence $ (\mathbf{x}_{n_{k}})_{k \in \mathbb{N}} $ of $
(\mathbf{x}_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $. Let $ \mathbf{x} $ be the
weak limit of this subsequence. Clearly, $ (\mathbf{x}_{n_{k}} -
\mathbf{x})_{k \in \mathbb{N}} $ is then a weak null-sequence in $
\mathcal{H} $. By Lemma 3, there exists a subsequence $
(\mathbf{x}_{n_{k_{l}}} - \mathbf{x})_{l \in \mathbb{N}} $ of $
(\mathbf{x}_{n_{k}} - \mathbf{x})_{k \in \mathbb{N}} $ and a
sequence $ (\mathbf{v}_{l})_{l \in \mathbb{N}} \in
\mathbf{BOS}(\mathcal{H}) $ such that
\forall l \in \mathbb{N}: \quad \| \mathbf{v}_{l} -
(\mathbf{x}_{n_{k_{l}}} - \mathbf{x}) \|_{\mathcal{H}} <
Observe that $ T $ must map $ (\mathbf{v}_{l})_{l \in \mathbb{N}} $
to a strong null-sequence in $ \mathcal{K} $. Hence, by the
approximation property, we have $ \displaystyle \lim_{l \rightarrow
\infty} T(\mathbf{x}_{n_{k_{l}}} - \mathbf{x}) = 0_{\mathcal{K}} $.
In other words, $ (T(\mathbf{x}_{n}))_{n \in \mathbb{N}} $ contains
$ (T(\mathbf{x}_{n_{k_{l}}}))_{l \in \mathbb{N}} $ as a strongly
convergent subsequence. Therefore, $ T $ is a compact operator. Q.E.D.