I have stumbled upon the following generalization of Vandermonde matrix when solving some problem in linear algebra related to Jordan normal form.
Let us consider some number $\lambda$ and we assign to this number an $n\times m$ matrix $V_m(\lambda)$ such that the first column is of the form $(1,\lambda,\lambda^2,\dots,\lambda^{n-1})^T$, the second column is of the form $(0,1,2\lambda,\dots,(n-1)\lambda^{n-2})^T$ etc. I.e., the $m$-th column will be $(0,\dots,0,1,\binom{m}{m-1}\lambda,\dots,\binom{n-1}{m-1}\lambda^{n-m})$, i.e. $$V_m(\lambda)= \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & \ldots & 0 \\ \lambda & 1 & 0 & \ldots & 0 \\ \lambda^2 & 2\lambda & 1 & \ldots & 0 \\ \lambda^3 & 3\lambda^2 & 3\lambda & \ldots & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & & \vdots \\ \lambda^{n-1} & (n-1)\lambda^{n-2} & \binom{n-1}2\lambda^{n-3} & \ldots & \binom{n-1}{m-1}\lambda^{n-m} \end{pmatrix}$$ In the other words, the entry in $k$-th row and $l$-th column is $\binom{k-1}{l-1}x^{k-l}$.
Now if we have some numbers $m_1,\dots,m_k$ such that $m_1+\dots+m_k=n$, we can define an $n\times n$-matrix $$V_{m_1,\dots,m_k}(\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_k)= \begin{pmatrix}V_{m_1}(\lambda_1) & V_{m_2}(\lambda_2) & \dots & V_{m_k}(\lambda_k) \end{pmatrix}.$$
For example, $$V_{3,2}(x,y)= \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ x & 1 & 0 & y & 1 \\ x^2 & 2x & 1 & y^2 & 2y \\ x^3 & 3x^2 & 3x & y^3 & 3y^2 \\ x^4 & 4x^3 & 6x & y^4 & 4y^3 \end{pmatrix} $$
Such matrix is indeed called generalized Vandermonde matrix by some authors, for example here or here. (Although the term generalized Vandermonde matrix is also used in different meanings, for example here.)
The determinant of generalized Vandermonde matrix is $$\prod_{i<j} (\lambda_j-\lambda_i)^{m_im_j}.$$
We already have at this site several questions about the usual Vandermonde matrix, for example Vandermonde Determinant, Vandermonde determinant by induction, Proof determinant of transpose Vandermonde matrix is $\prod_{1\le i\lt j\le n}(\alpha_i-\alpha_j)$, Why are Vandermonde matrices invertible?
Various derivations of determinant of Vandermonde matrix and also some proofs of the fact that it is invertible (for distinct $\lambda_i$'s) are given in those questions. I am wondering about the same question for generalized Vandermonde matrix.
How can we show that generalized Vandermonde matrix is invertible when $\lambda_i\ne\lambda_j$? How can we evaluate the determinant of generalized Vandermonde matrix?