Consider a cube that exactly fills a certain cubical box. As in Examples 8.7 and 8.10, the ways in which the cube can be placed into the box corresponds to a certain group of permutations of the vertices of the cube. This is the group of group of rigid motions (or rotations) of the cube. (It should not be confused with th e group of symmetries of the figure, which will be discussed in the exercises of Section 12.) How many elements does this group have? Argue geometrically that this group has at least three different subgroups of order 4 and at least four different subgroups of order 3.
Fraleigh Solution The group has $24$ elements.
The first subgroup of order $4.$ For any one of the $6$ faces can be on top, and for each such face on top, the cube can be rotated in $4$ different positions leaving that face on top. The $4$ such rotations, leaving the top face on top and the bottom face on the bottom, form a cyclic subgroup of order $4$.
The second rotation group of order $4$ is formed by the rotations leaving the front and back faces in those positions.
The third rotation groups of order $4$ is formed by the rotations leaving the side faces in those positions.
One exhibits a subgroup of order $3$ by $\color{red}{\text{taking hold of a pair of diagonally opposite vertices and
rotating through the three possible positions}}$, corresponding to the three edges emanating from each
There are $4$ such diagonally opposite pairs of vertices, giving the desired $4$ groups of order $3$.
Question 1. I feel this is easier than my other post. But I can't see how 'taking hold a pair of diagonally opposite vertices' causes 'three possible positions'? I tried the animation at that other post but no luck.
Question 2. How do you decide on the classifications of the rotations of a shape? These two solutions just say what they are. They never revealed how they prefigured this group has at least three different subgroups of order 4 and at least four different subgroups of order 3. I don't mean just playing around with the shape. I tried that and it didn't help me here.
Question 3. Does this solution break down the type of rotations differently than the other post? That solution talks about " a line joining the centers of opposite faces" and "a line joining diagonally opposite vertices ". This one doesn't.
This is from John B. Fraleigh page 86 exercise 8.45 A First Course in Abstract Algebra