Let $V$ be the vector space of all polynomials of degree at most equal to $2n$ with real coefficients. Let $V_0$ stand for the vector subspace $V_0 = \{P ∈ V :P(1) +P(−1) = 0\}$ and $V_e$ stand for the subspace of polynomials which have terms of even degree alone. If $\dim(U)$ stands for the dimension of a vector space $U$, then find $\dim(V_0)$ and $\dim(V_0 ∩ Ve)$.
From the condition $P(1) +P(−1) = 0$, we have $a_{2n}+a_{2n-2}+..+a_0=0$. So dimension of $V_0$ is $2n$.
Obviously dimension of $V_e$ is $n+1$.
Am I right here?
but after that how should I find $\dim(V_0 ∩ Ve)$