There are formulas for computing prime numbers, the problem lies in the costs and time needed for that and there is often (or we don't know) no closed formula for that, like these ones:
$$p_n= 2+ \sum_{j=2}^{2^n} \left(\Bigg[\frac{n-1}{ \sum_{m=2}^{j} \left[\frac{1} { \sum_{k=2}^{m} [1-\frac{m}{k}+[\frac{m}{k}]] } \right]}\Bigg]-\left| \frac{n-1}{ \sum_{m=2}^{j} [\frac{1} { \sum_{k=2}^{m} [1-\frac{m}{k}+[\frac{m}{k}]] } ]}-1\right|\,\right)$$
$$p_n=\left[ 1- \frac{1}{\log(2)} \log\left(-\frac{1}{2} + \sum_{d | P_{n-1}} \frac{\mu(d)}{2^d -1}\right)\right]$$
Where $[x ] = floor(x)$ is the largest integer not greater than x and
\mu(1)=1 ,& \\
\mu(n)=(-1)^r, & \text{if $n$ is product of $r$ distinct prime numbers} \\
\mu(n)=0, & \text{if $n$ has one or more repeated prime factors} \\
The second one is from "My Numbers, My Friends - Popular Lectures on Number Theory - Paulo Ribenboim", don't know from where is the first one.
I am sure there are more of formulas like that, even for exact n-th prime number, but why we don't use them?
Because we don't know any "effective" ones. Even if we compute some prime numbers with that, it would just take too long to find the big ones. So we use special algorithms for finding prime numbers, which are much faster, for example Sieve of Eratosthenes, and still seek for better and better ones :)
You can also find something here: at formulas at the bottom of page)