I was wondering if anyone knew any techniques to convert the following:
$ (A+B+C+..)^{-1} $
where $A,B,C...$ are positive semi-definite (PSD) matrices into a sum of some other function:
$ f(A)+f(B)+f(C)... $
where $f()$ is an arbitrary functon, if at all possible. I.e.:
$ (A+B+C+..)^{-1} = f(A)+f(B)+f(C)+.... $
If this is not possible, $f()$ can be an estimate or just capture relative differences. I.e., the relative contribution of $A$ in the inverse, $B$ in the inverse, etc.
A similar question was posted here: Inverse of the sum of matrices
and here: Finding the inverse of the sum of two symmetric matrices A+B
but I think this question is a little different