What would happen if we would use pre-order (there is no weak-antisymmetry, only reflexivity and transitivity) in Kuratowski-Zorn Lemma instead of partial order?
Suppose that we have set P which is preordered and has the property that every chain (i.e. totally ordered subset) has an upper bound in P. Then the set P contains at least one maximal element.
Is this statement true in ZFC? If not, what can we postulate to make it true? I think it can be false, or at least we need to postulate something more (or not?), but I am just missing something and don't see it.
I wanted to put tags with combination of words like: Kuratowski Zorn Lemma Pre-order Proset, but it seems that none of them exist and I need to have 300+ reputation to create new ones, thus I only typed (set-theory) :( If someone with bigger reputation could make this topics' tags more precise, I would be grateful :)