Suppose $H$ is a Hilbert space and $A:H\rightarrow H$ is a normal compact operator such that $\ker(A)=0$. show that if $B$ is a bounded self adjoint operator that commutes with $A$ then the spaces in $\{\ker(B-\lambda Id):\lambda\in \mathbb{R}\}$ generate $H$.
3 Answers
Hint: the eigenspaces of $A$ are finite-dimensional and invariant under $B$, and their sum is dense in $H$.
Since apparently I have nothing better to do, I'll flesh out the hint for OP.
By assumption, $A$ has pairwise-orthogonal spectral projections $\{P_i\}$ such that
$$ A = \sum_i \sigma_i P_i \;\; \mbox{in operator norm}, $$
$$ \forall i \; ran(P_i) < \infty , $$ and, by injectivity of $A$,
$$ I = \sum_i P_i \;\; \mbox{in SOT}. $$
Because $AB = BA$, we have (by continuous functional calculus, if you'd like) $BP_i = P_i B$ for all $i$. So apply the finite-dimensional spectral theorem to each $P_i B P_i$ and you're done.
A normal compact operator $A$ is a diagonalisable one, and so $ker(A)=0$ automatically. so the assumption $ker(A)=0$ must be omitted from the question.
1$\begingroup$ A= $\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}$, is compact since $H$ is finite dimensial and it is clear that $A$ is normal. However $(0,1) \in \ker(A)$! $\endgroup$– A. BagCommented May 3, 2021 at 11:33