Can someone help me understand this passage in a student-written wiki article? The question is whether $u(x+iy) = \log \sqrt{x^2+y^2}$ has a conjugate harmonic function on $\mathbb{C}\setminus \{0\}$. First it establishes that if there is such a conjugate, then $f'(z) = u_x - iu_y$, where $f=u+iv$. So far, so good. Then they write $$f'(z) = \left( \sqrt{x^2+y^2}\right)_x - i \left( \sqrt{x^2+y^2}\right)_y \tag{1}$$
where they seem to have left out the logs. OK, maybe a typo, but then all the computations follow from it. It would seem we would need $f'(z) = \frac{-x+iy}{x^2+y^2}$, but all the rest of their computations follow from (1). Am I missing something, or is the whole answer wrong?
From these differences, I get that the integral of $f'$ about the unit circle should be $-2\pi i$, not $2\pi i$. A minor difference, perhaps, and the idea of the proof still works, but I want to know if I am screwing up somewhere, or if the article is screwed up.
Edit: As Daniel points out, there is a mistake which cancels out in the end. My calculation above mistakenly added a minus sign.