From Wikipedia:
It is occasionally useful (but sometimes misleading) to think of the relationships of different kinds of normal matrices as analogous to the relationships between different kinds of complex numbers:
- Invertible matrices are analogous to non-zero complex numbers
- Unitary matrices are analogous to complex numbers whose absolute value is 1
- Hermitian matrices are analogous to real numbers
- Hermitian positive definite matrices are analogous to positive real numbers
- Skew Hermitian matrices are analogous to purely imaginary numbers
I also happen to see that the number analogy of each kind of special matrices also agree with their eigenvalues:
- eigenvalues of invertible matrices are non-zero complex numbers
- eigenvalues of Unitary matrices are complex numbers whose absolute value is 1
- eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices are real numbers
- eigenvalues of Hermitian positive definite matrices are positive real numbers
- eigenvalues of Skew Hermitian matrices are purely imaginary numbers
I wonder
- if the relation between the eigenvalues of special matrices and their number analogy is just coincidence, or there are something inherent, fundamental and more than analogy?
- if there are other ways than eigenvalues by which the special matrices and special numbers are similar to each other? (I actually don't quite understand what Wikipedia means by analogy. The example in terms of eigenvalues is just my guess. The author may have other things in mind and there may be other possibilities.)
- if there are other kinds of special matrices not mentioned in the list have similar analogy to special numbers? (Hermitian negative definite is too trivial to mention.)
- if there are some relevant references? (It seems that this kind of analogy is mentioned in Halmos "Linear Algebra", but cannot find where it is.)
Thanks and regards!