I am trying to understand the informal algorithm of the Minkowski sum of two convex polygons in the plane as described here:
Then I tried to apply this method of the Minkowski sum in the example illustrated by wikipedia with two triangle (you can see the images if you scroll the Wikipage up, in the right side of the page there are two red triangles and the result of the sum on the top of them)
Applying the method a got this:
My question: if the first edge (ordered by polar angles illustrated by the image above) is the one that was defined by vertices (0,-1),(1,0) from polygon A, why the vertice with the lowest value in Y axis in the Wikipedia's result of the sum is (1,-2) instead of (0,-1) ?
Actually my question is: with this informal method, How do I know where to place the first edge? Or Maybe my order isn't good? Because if I start with edge (0,1),(0,-1) from Polygon A everything goes fine.
Thanks for your help.