Reading "How do you integrate a Bessel function", it didn't seem like it was an easy task. Thinking more about Bessel functions, speficially $J_0(x)$, it occurred that it looked a lot like the sinc function. Since I've had to work with sinc functions in the past, my first curiosity was: is there a $p$, for which the following holds? If so, what is the lowest $p$?
$$\int_{-\infty}^\infty\vert J_0(x)\vert^p dx<\infty$$
I couldn't think of a way to do it analytically. Firing up mathematica/wolfram alpha to do it also didn't result in anything. My guess is that looking at the curves of $|J_0(x)|$ (blue) and $|\text{sinc}(x)|$ (red) below, $J_0$ is generally above the sinc for the most part. So, in general, $|J_0(x)|^p>|\text{sinc}(x)|^p$ and so if there is such a $p$, it has to be $\geq 2$. However, this is totally a guess, and not backed by anything.
Is this known somewhere? I'm cool with a pointer to the reference. If not, how to attack this problem?