Trying to figure out how to transform this predicate from disjunctive normal form to conjunctive normal form (repost of an earlier question):
$$( P \land Q ) \lor ( R \land S ) \lor ( P \land S )$$
Re-write rule: distribution of conjunction over disjunction: $$( S \land ( P \lor R ) ) \lor ( P \land Q )$$
"Add" $S \lor$ to each: $$( S \lor S \land ( P \lor R ) ) \land ( S \lor ( P \land Q ) )$$
$S \lor S \land$ "cancel out": $$( P \lor R ) \land ( S \lor ( P \land Q ) )$$
Re-write rule: Distribution of disjunction over conjunction: $$( P \lor R ) \land ( P \lor S ) \land ( Q \lor S )$$
The rewrite rules I'm unsure of I have put in quotes.
Is the above a valid progression?