Oh no, another coin tossing problem? Yes. I've read more than a dozen of coin tossing questions here but I didn't find anything helpful.
Let's have an experiment: I have $3$ identical coins and a pot to throw them in. So I throw all the coins into the pot. What is the probability of having $3$ heads?
Well, you can see several situations when you look in the pot. All the possible outcomes of this experiment are (H = head, T = tail): $$ \Omega = \{ \text{TTT}, \text{TTH},\text{THH},\text{HHH}\} $$ And then the probability $P$ is: $$ P(\text{HHH}) = \frac{1}{|\Omega|} = \frac{1}{4} $$
I was told that it's wrong but I just can't figure out why. :-(