I am trying to understand the proof of the proposition:
Any convergent sequence is bounded.
In my textbook, the author uses the definition of convergence for a sequence $\{a_n\}\to l$ and fixes $\epsilon=1$ so that there is a natural number $N$ such that \begin{align*}n>N&\implies|a_n-l|<1\\&\implies |a_n|<1+|l|.\end{align*} Then $\{a_n\}$ is bounded by $\pm U$ where $U=\max\{|a_1|,|a_2|,|a_3|,\dots,|a_{N-1}|,|a_N|,1+|l|\}$.
What I don't understand about this proof is why do we have to fix $\epsilon=1$? Wouldn't it be enough if we had simply fixed some $\epsilon>0$ and then claimed that \begin{align*}n>N &\implies |a_n-l|<\epsilon\\&\implies |a_n|<\epsilon+|l|.\end{align*}In this case $\{a_n\}$ would be bounded by $\pm M$ where $M=\max\{|a_1|,|a_2|,|a_3|,\dots,|a_{N-1}|,|a_N|,\epsilon+|l|\}$. So, why does the author decide to fix $\epsilon$ to be 1 when it would be enough fix some $\epsilon$. For example, what if I had fixed $\epsilon=\pi$, would the proof be incorrect?