Let $\kappa$ be an inaccessible cardinal. Let $G$ be generic for $Col(\omega, < \kappa)$, the Levy Collapse.
If $f\in \text{ }^\omega \text{Ord}^{V[G]}$, is $f \in OD_{\text{ }^\omega\omega}^{V[G]}$?
A possibly useful fact is that if $f\in \text{ }^\omega \text{Ord}^{V[G]}$, then there exists a $\lambda < \kappa$ such that $f \in V[G | \lambda]$. However, I do not know how to use this, if relevant at all.
I am interested in this since some people define the Solovay model as $\text{HOD}^{V[G]}_{\text{ }^\omega \text{ORD}}$ and other people use $\text{HOD}_{\text{ }^\omega\omega}^{V[G]}$. I think if the above question has a positive answer, then the two are the same.
Thanks for any help.
$x \in \text{OD}_A$ if $x$ is definable with parameters in $OD \cup A$. $x \in \text{HOD}_A$ if $tc(\{x\}) \subset OD_A$, where $tc$ is the transitive closure.