I have this problem
Given a loss function
\begin{align}l(a,\theta) = |a-\theta|\end{align} for a ∈ A = {4,5,6} and $\theta$ ∈ $\theta$ = {4,5,6}
Assume the prior distribution is
\begin{align}Pr(\theta=i)=\pi_i=\begin{cases} 0.5, & \text{for i=4}.\\ 0.3, & \text{for i=5}.\\ 0.2, & \text{for i=6}.\\ \end{cases}\end{align}
How would I find the posterior distribution of $\theta$ given a sample of 3 observations on a RV X: $X_1=x_1=4,X_2=x_2=0,X_3=x_3=3$. Note that $X_1,X_2,X_3$ are IID Poisson so
\begin{align} f(x_i|\theta=\frac{e^{-\theta}\theta^{x_i}}{x_i!}) for x_i=0,1,2,.. \end{align}
How would I find the posterior distribution of θ?
Thoughts so far: I have done other examples where the prior is a continuous distribution and applied it in the formula $f(\theta|x)=\frac{\pi(\theta)f(x|\theta)}{f(x)}$, but I am not sure regarding a discrete prior and what to do with the 3 sample observations On a side note, would the prior distribution be the natural conjugate for $\theta$?