A fellow grad student was working on this seemingly simple problem which appears to have us both stuck. (The problem naturally came up in his work so isn't from the literature as far as we know).
Let $M$ be a metric space homeomorphic to the closed unit disk $D^n\subset \mathbb{R}^n$. We call such a metric space an $n$-cell. Let $\mbox{Isom}(M)$ be the group of bijective isometries $M\rightarrow M$.
If $M$ is an $n$-cell, does there exist a point $p\in M$ such that $\varphi(p)=p$ for all $\varphi\in \mbox{Isom}(M)$?
Clearly such a $p$ need not be unique.
So far, the best attempt has been to consider a set which is invariant under isometries, as follows.
Let $\partial M$ be the boundary of $M$ and define a function $f\colon M\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ by $f(x)=\sup_{y\in\partial M}\{d(x,y)\}$ which is continuous, and as $M$ is compact must attain its minimum say $m$. Then, let $$A=\{p\in M\mid f(p)=m\}.$$ That is, $A$ is the (non-empty) set of points in $M$ which minimise the maximum distance to the boundary of $M$.
It should be clear that if $\varphi$ is an isometry on $M$, then $\varphi(A)=A$, and one would hope that $A$ is in fact a single point (or at least fixed pointwise instead of just setwise). However, proving this is not clear. There is obviously something else missing here as the topology on the $n$-cell is crucial. For instance an annulus has no such fixed point and the set $A$ would be the inner boundary circle.
It's possible the above set up isn't the right way to tackle the problem. It's also possible that there exists a counterexample and there is some $M$ with no fixed point. Any help is appreciated.