This question is from herstein.
Let $p_1(x), \dots, p_k(x)$ be irreducible polynomials in $F[x]$, where $F$ is a field. Let $q(x)=p_1(x)\cdots p_k(x)$. Then show that $F[x]/q(x)= F[x]/p_1(x)\bigoplus \cdots \bigoplus F[x]/p_k(x)$
Any hints for this? I thought that if I know that the ideals are co-maximal, then by chinese remainder theorem, I will be done. But can I assume that ( since they are irreducible, $p_i(x), p_j(x)$ are relatively prime, so by bezouts we get that they are co-maiximal?
Is my idea correct? Any solutions?