
I'm trying to solve this problem

Given a standard Brownian motion $B(t), t\geq 0$, let us define a stochastic process

$$W(t):= 3B(t)-\frac{12}{t}\int_0^tudB(u) + \frac{10}{t^2}\int_0^tu^2dB(u)\\=\int_0^t (3-12\frac{u}{t}+10\frac{u^2}{t^2}) dB(u)$$

with $W(0)=0$ on a probability space.

(a) Argue that $W(t), t\geq0$ is a standard Brownian motion.

(b) Show that $X:=\int_0^TudB(u)$ is independent of $W(t),0\leq t \leq T$ for every $T>0$.

My attempt:

a) To show that this a Brownian motion we have to show

1) $W(0)=0$ (because of the definition)

2) $W(t)$ has continuous paths. This is given by the definition of the Itô integral as the Brownian motion is pieced together.

3) We need to show that $W(t)-W(s) \sim N(0,t-s)$ We know by the definition of the stochastic integral that this is distributed as a normal. Also, if we let $0=t_0<t_1<...<t_j=s<t_{j+1}<...<t_k=t$ be a partition

$$ W_t-W_s= \int_0^t (3-12\frac{u}{t}+10\frac{u^2}{t^2}) dB(u)- \int_0^s (3-12\frac{u}{s}+10\frac{u^2}{s^2}) dB(u) \\= 3\sum_{i=0}^{k-1}(B_{t_{i+1}}-B_{t_i})-\frac{12}{t}\sum_{i=0}^{k-1}t_{i}(B_{t_{i+1}}-B_{t_i})+\frac{10}{t^2}\sum_{i=0}^{k-1}t^2_{i}(B_{t_{i+1}}-B_{t_i})- \Big(3\sum_{i=0}^{j-1}(B_{t_{i+1}}-B_{t_i})-\frac{12}{s}\sum_{i=0}^{j-1}t_{i}(B_{t_{i+1}}-B_{t_i})+\frac{10}{s^2}\sum_{i=0}^{j-1}t^2_{i}(B_{t_{i+1}}-B_{t_i})\Big) $$

As per, the Brownian motion we know that $B_{t_{i+1}}-B_{t_i} \sim N(0,t_{i+1}-t_{i})$


$$ \sum_{i=0}^{k-1}t_{i}(B_{t_{i+1}}-B_{t_i})\sim N(0,\sum_{i=0}^{k-1}t^2_it_{i+1}-t_{i}) $$

which make the variance term into the inferior Riemann sum of $\int_0^t x^2 dx$

You can do this analogously with the others, and in the end we will get

$$ W(t) \sim N(0, 9t-48t+20t) $$

which is not a right answer (because from that we get -19t, and variance can't be negative).

Then, it occurred to me that

$$ W(t)=\int_0^t (3-12\frac{u}{t}+10\frac{u^2}{t^2}) dB(u) \sim N(0, \int_0^t \Big(3-12\frac{u}{t}+10\frac{u^2}{t^2}\Big)^2 du ) = N(0,t) $$

The thing is: what am I doing wrong in the first approach?

4) To prove that $W(t)-W(s)$ is independent of $\mathscr{F}_s$. I decomposed the integral again into the sum, but I couldn't get to the conclusion that they are independent as we only have independency piecewise. For instance, $B_{t_{i+1}}-B_{t_i}$ in independent from $\mathscr{F}_{t_i}.$

b) For b, I think that once I work out how to do #4 of the last question, I'll get to it.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Use another characterization of a Brownian motion: it is a centered Gaussian process with the covariance function $\min(t,s)$. $\endgroup$
    – zhoraster
    Commented Sep 5 at 8:11
  • $\begingroup$ @zhoraster This is true; however, going down the rabbit hole of calculating the covariance leads to weird results as well (at least when I attempted this). $\endgroup$
    – 392781
    Commented Sep 5 at 18:45
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @392781 I've got exactly $\min(s,t)$ (though I used sage for that). $\endgroup$
    – zhoraster
    Commented Sep 7 at 11:21

1 Answer 1


One of your mistakes in your first approach (3) forgetting the cross-terms i.e. each of the sums has a correlation with each other.

But regardless the question is about the limiting integral. So indeed by using Itô isometry you can easily compute that this process is Gaussian with variance


For (4), you again need to work with the limiting integrals




These two integrals are independent of each other because they are each generated by limits of partitions $0=s_{0}<...<s_{n}=s$ and $s=t_{0}<...<t_{m}=t$ that are disjoint except at $s$.

For (b), you can simply use that when two Gaussians have zero covariance, they are independent. So here we have by Itô isometry that for $t>s$


where we also again used independence of increments to remove the part $\int_{s}^{t}$.


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