Let $T$ be some first order theory ( eg ZFC; feel free to assume this for the next), $\varphi(x)$ is a well- formed formula in $T$'s underlying language, and assume that the proposition $\exists^! x\, \varphi(x)$ is provable in this theory.
This has as consequence that for every model $M$ of $T$ $M\models \exists^! x\, \varphi(x)$, what implies there exist for every such model a set $\omega^M $ in $M$ witnessing $M\models \exists^! x\, \varphi(x)$.
Question: In this answer Alex Kruckman wrote following part which confuses me a bit:
[...] (1) Let $\varphi(x)$ be the formula "$x$ is a minimal inductive set". $\newcommand{\ZFC}{\mathsf{ZFC}}\ZFC$ proves $\exists^! x\, \varphi(x)$ (there exists a unique minimal inductive set). We call this unique inductive set $\omega$. If $(M,E)$ is a model of $\ZFC$, then $M\models \exists^! x\, \varphi(x)$. The unique witness is an element of $M$, which we denote by $\omega^M$.
While I understand so far what it means for $\omega^M$ to be the unique element of model $M$ witnessing the truth of $\exists^! x\, \varphi(x)$ in $M$, beeing in $M$ exactly the unique set such that the ( by definition boolean-valued) predicate $\varphi(x)$ evaluates exactly in $\omega^M$ to 'true'.
But what I not understand is the "nature & affiliation" of $\omega$ which Alex introduced above in quoted paragraph. On which "level" it exists at all? It seems not to be affiliated to some specific model like this is the case with the $\omega^M$. On the other hand it appears to me that in order to be able to talk about "a witness of some existence proposition" we need to pin down a model where this proposition is true and which actually contains such "witnessing element" as element. Or does notion of "witnessing element" still make sensewithout fixing a model?
If the latter is the case, can it made be more precise to what $\omega$ actually belongs appearing a bit to "be floating in nowhere"? Is it regarded as an element of some say "universe" we have fixed for all the time in background; andso in order to give actually a meaning to such "model unspecific witness" $\omega$ we actually have to assume tacitly Platonic picture?
In other words, what is meant precisely by an "external object" $\omega$ witnessing proposition of shape $\exists^! x\, \varphi(x)$ contrasting from pretty clearly declared "internal objects" $\omega^M$ existing as unique elements of a particular models witnessing truthness of $\exists^! x\, \varphi(x)$ there?