Suppose that we have two unit speed curves $\gamma,\sigma:[0,l] \to \mathbb{R}^n$ or $\mathbb{R}^2$ if necessary and that $\gamma'(0) = \sigma'(0)$. If we assume that the curvature for both curves is bounded from above by $K > 0$, then I would like to say that for $s\in [0,\frac{\pi}{2K}]$ we have an estimate of the form $$ \gamma'(s)\cdot\sigma'(s) \geq \cos(2 K s) $$
This inequality would be equivalent to showing that for $s\in [0,\frac{\pi}{2K}]$ we have that $$ \gamma'(s)\cdot\sigma'(s) \geq \tilde{\gamma}'(s)\cdot\tilde{\sigma}'(s) $$ where $\tilde{\gamma},\tilde{\sigma}$ are unit speed curves on two circles of radius $\frac{1}{K}$ which touch at the point $\gamma(0) = \sigma(0)$ which are traveling in oppposite directions but are constantly curving with curvature $K$. The inner product inequality is also equivalent to showing that $$ ||\gamma'(s)-\sigma'(s)|| \leq || \tilde{\gamma}'(s)- \tilde{\sigma}'(s) || $$
This can be seen by squaring both sides and organizing terms since $$||\gamma'(s)||^2 = ||\sigma'(s)||^2 = ||\tilde{\gamma}'(s)||^2 = ||\tilde{\sigma}'(s)|| = 1$$
For example, in 2D this could be $\tilde{\gamma}(t) = (\frac{1}{K}\cos(Kt),\frac{1}{K}\sin(Kt))$ and $\tilde{\sigma}(t) = (\frac{2-\cos(Kt)}{K},\frac{1}{K}\sin(Kt))$. Then $\tilde{\gamma}'(t) = (-\sin(Kt),\cos(Kt))$, $\tilde{\sigma}'(t) = (\sin(Kt),\cos(Kt))$ and so $\tilde{\gamma}'(0) = \tilde{\sigma}'(0) = (1,0)$ and by double angle identities we have that $\tilde{\gamma}'(t)\cdot \tilde{\sigma}'(t) = \cos(2Kt)$.
So far I have been able to show that if $\kappa_\gamma,\kappa_\sigma$ represent the curvature at time $s$ and $N_\gamma,N_\sigma$ are the unit normal curves for $\gamma$ and $\sigma$ respectively, then we have that $$ \gamma'(s)\cdot\sigma'(s) \geq 1 - 2Ks. $$ This inequality follows from the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus \begin{align*} \gamma'(s)\cdot\sigma'(s) &= \gamma'(0)\cdot\sigma'(0) + \int_0^s\Big(\gamma'(t)\cdot\sigma'(t)\Big)'dt\\ &= 1 + \int_0^s \gamma''(t)\cdot\sigma'(t) + \gamma'(t)\cdot\sigma''(t)dt\\ &= 1 + \int_0^s \kappa_\gamma(t)N_\gamma(t)\cdot\sigma'(t) + \kappa_\sigma(t)\gamma'(t)\cdot N_\sigma(t)dt\\ &\geq 1 - \int_0^s|\kappa_\gamma(t)|+|\kappa_\sigma(t)|dt\\ &\geq 1 - \int_0^s2Kdt\\ &= 1 - 2Ks \end{align*}
I appreciate any recommendations.