One can easily verify that $(221, 24420, 24421)$, $(60,221,229)$, and $(21,220,221)$ are Pythagorean triples - this is an answer.
How did I find it?
A primitive Pythagorean triple is of the form $(m^2 - n^2, 2mn, m^2 + n^2)$, with $m$ and $n$ coprime and not both odd. But there's no guarantee that the legs come out in the right order.
Since $m$ and $n$ have opposite parity, $m^2 + n^2$ must be odd (and actually of the form $4k+1$). But $2mn$ is even. So any such number will be a sum of two squares, and also a difference of two squares in two different ways, one of which has $m^2 - n^2 < 2mn$ and one of which has $m^2 - n^2 > 2mn$. Furthermore, by mod 4 considerations, in both expressions we must have $m$ odd and $n$ even.
Next, we want to figure out the number of ways to write a positive integer as a difference of squares. Each expression of an odd integer as a difference of squares corresponds to a factorization. For example consider
$$33 = 17^2 - 16^2 = (17- 16)(17 +16) = 1 \times 33$$
$$33 = 7^2 - 4^2 = (7-4)(7+4) = 3 \times 11$$
In fact the number of ways to write a positive odd integer as a difference of squares is exactly half its number of factors. (This is not a complete proof of this fact.)
So the number we're looking for must:
- be of form 4k+1
- have at least four factors (so it can be written as a difference of two squares in at least two ways)
- be a sum of two squares.
The integers which are sums of two squares are exactly those where no prime of form $4k+3$ appears to an odd power (this is a classical result in number theory).
The easiest way to get four factors is a product of two distinct primes. We want to avoid primes of form $4k+3$, so we take $5 \times 13 = 65$. Then we have $65 = 33^2 - 32^2$ giving the triple $(65, 2112, 2113)$ and $65 = 9^2 - 4^2$ gfiving the triple $(65, 72, 97)$. So this doesn't work because $65$ falls into the "low" slot both times.
Similarly $85 = 5 \times 17$ doesn't work. You need the two primes to be relatively close together in order to get $m^2 - n^2 > 2mn$, which we need.
So look at $13 \times 17 = 221$:
- $221 = 111^2 - 110^2$ gives the triple $(221, 24420, 24421)$
- $221 = 15^2 - 2^2$ gives the triple $(60, 221, 229)$
- $221 = 10^2 + 11^2$ gives the triple $(21, 220, 221)$.