Let $L$ be a formal language. Let $\Gamma$ be a set of formulas of $L$. Let also $\rho: \{c_i\} \to \{c_i\}$ be a function defined by $\rho(c_i) = c_{2i}$. That is, a function which takes each constant to an even constant. Extend the definition of $\rho$ to terms and formulas in the most obvious manner so that if $\tau$ is a term, $\rho(\tau)$ is the same term with all constants changed to even ones. Similarly for $\rho(\phi)$ when $\phi$ is a formula and let $\rho(\Gamma) = \{\rho(\phi) \mid \phi \in \Gamma\}$.
Question: Show that if $\Gamma$ is consistent, then $\rho(\Gamma)$ is consistent.
My (partial) Proof: Suppose towards contradiction that $\Gamma$ is consistent but $\rho(\Gamma)$ is inconsistent. Then $\rho(\Gamma) \vdash (\phi \wedge \neg\phi)$ for some $\phi$. This means there is a sequence $\langle \sigma_1,...,\sigma_n \rangle$ such that $\sigma_n \equiv (\phi \wedge \neg\phi)$. I would like to claim that something like $\langle e(\sigma_1),...,e(\sigma_n) \rangle $ is a proof of $e(\phi \wedge \neg\phi)$ from $\Gamma$ and thus a contradiction. The question is which function $e$ to use.
The most obvious candidate is $\rho^{-1}$. However, this can only be defined for even constants but $\sigma_i$ could be an instance of an axiom or MP and thus contain odd constants as well. If I define a new function $e$ which behaves as $\rho^{-1}$ only for even constants, I am still going to have some problem in telling it how to behave on odd ones. In particular, it will most likely override constants already used. How could I go around this problem?