Currently I'm struggling with the following problem, which I find quite interesting:
Given a graph $G$, let $\alpha(G)$ denote the largest size of a set of independent vertices in $G$. Prove that the vertices of G can be covered by at most $\alpha(G)$ disjoint subgraphs each isomorphic to a cycle or a $K_2$ or $K_1$.
I think it's interesting, because it applies to any graph and gives you a decomposition into potentially very few cycles if the independence number is small. It tried a few things and this is what I found out so far:
We may assume that $G$ is connected since the independence number of $G$ equals the sum of the independence numbers of its connected components
We can also assume that $G$ has no isolated vertices, because these will definitely be included in any maximal independent set
Lastly I think that we can also assume that $G$ has no vertices of degree $1$ i.e. leafs, because taking a leaf and it's unique neighbour yields a $K_2$ and if we delete this $K_2$ the independence number of the graph drops by exactly $1$, because any maximal independent set will intersect either one of the vertices in this $K_2$
Putting these assumptions together we may assume that $G$ is a connected graph with minimum degree $\ge 2$. The arguments I made already show that any forest can be decomposed as described (with no cycles of course). Now I am stuck and don't know how to continue anymore, I feel like I need a completely different argument to continue. Maybe someone has an idea how to proceed?
I would be grateful for any new suggestions :)
EDIT: The subgraphs don't have to be induced subgraphs isomorphic to $K_1,K_2$ or a cycle. So any hamiltonian graph would work instantly, because we could just take the Hamiltonian cycle.