I was scrolling on TikTok the other day when I came across a video similar to this one. They're playing a game with bottles. Initially, $6$ bottles, each of a different color, are hidden behind a box and the goal is to guess the correct order of the bottles. The player takes turns guessing the order of the bottles and after each guess it is revealed how many bottles the player got right, i.e. exactly how many bottles are in their correct position.
A question naturally arises - Given $n$ bottles, each of a different color out of $n$ colors, what is the optimal strategy for this game?
I've tried to answer the question with no success. An alternative question is what is the optimal strategy if we allow for repetition (instead of guessing permutations of $\{1, 2, ..., n\}$, we guess $n$-tuples from $\{1, 2, ..., k\}^n$) - Given $n$ bottles, each being one of $k$ colors, what is the optimal strategy for this game?
Note: when I say optimal strategy, I mean what is the smallest $m$ such that there exists a strategy that guarantees a win in $m$ guesses or less.