This might have been already asked in this site but I can't find it. So here's the integral:
$$\int_{r_\text{min}}^{r_\text{max}} \sqrt{\left(1-\frac{r_\text{min}}{r}\right)\left(\frac{r_\text{max}}{r}-1\right)}~dr=\pi \left(\frac{r_\text{min}+r_{\text{max}}}{2}-\sqrt{r_{\text{min}}r_{\text{max}}}\right)$$
Is there any geometric/"intuitive"/"insightful" proof of this given that the R.H.S. is precisely proportional to the difference of arithmetic mean and geometric means of the integral limits? For example, this appears in aspects of Kepler problem for finding the conserved quantity called "action" corresponding to radial motion (which justifies the choice for the above variables: $r_\text{min}$ and $r_\text{max}$ are the minimum and maximum values of radial coordinates in bounded motion with the potential $V=-\frac{\alpha}{r}$). This makes me wonder more if there is a geometric proof involving ellipses or something like that... But feel free to change the notation if the subscripts seem cumbersome.
P.S. I request everyone to suggest alternative titles so that this post can be found easily by future users. I couldn't think of anything better than the current one (v1).