I think something of my understanding of morphism of sheaves of rings went wrong. Below it seems I made a self contradicting result.
Let $\mathscr F,\mathscr G$ be sheaves of rings defined on a topological space $X$. Let $\varphi: \mathscr F\rightarrow \mathscr G$ be a surjection of sheaves of rings and let $\mathscr I$ denote the kernel. Note that this does not mean $\varphi_{U}:\mathscr F(U)\rightarrow \mathscr G(U)$ is surjective for all $U$. But it means the induced map on stalks $\varphi _{x}:\mathscr F_x\rightarrow \mathscr G_x$ is surjective for all $x$. Then if I take the quotient, the map $(\mathscr F/\mathscr I)_x\rightarrow \mathscr G_x$ should be an isomorphism for all $x$. If it is an isomorphism on all stalks, then the morphism $\mathscr F/\mathscr I\rightarrow \mathscr G$ is an isomorphism for all $U\subset X$ open. But the map $\mathscr F/\mathscr I \rightarrow \mathscr G$ being an isomorphism on all $U$ means that $\mathscr F\rightarrow \mathscr G$ is a surjection on all $U$. This is kind of contradicting that $\varphi$ is not necessarily surjective for all $U\subset X$ open.
Where did I make a mistake understanding the isomorphism of sheaves?