I am currently solving a problem where I need to bring up a counterexample in the form of a T2 space that is not T3. The Wikipedia page of T3 brings an example that states: " There exist Hausdorff spaces that are not regular. An example is the set $\mathbb{R}$ with the topology generated by sets of the form $U\backslash C$, where $U$ is an open set in the usual sense, and $C$ is a fixed nonclosed subset of R with empty interior. "
Let $C = \left\lbrace \frac{1}{n} : n \in \mathbb{N}\right\rbrace$, what would be a closed set $K$ and a point $p$ such that there is no $U_K\supset K$ and $U_x\supset\lbrace x\rbrace$ open with $U_K\cap U_x\neq\varnothing$?
Is there something I am missing?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
Edit 1:
Reading again the example given by Wikipedia it seems like it isn't even T2! Any point in $C$ is never contained in any open set!
Edit 2:
The Wikipedia Page has now been fixed. Thank you @PatrickR.