In a monoid, from $A \cdot A_1 = 1$, and $A_2 \cdot A = 1$ we get $A_1 \cdot A = 1$. Indeed:
$$A_1 A = (A_2 A) A_1 A = A_2 \cdot 1 \cdot A = 1$$
Now, back to matrices: $A A^t = I$ implies $\Delta^2 = 1$ ($\Delta \colon = \det A$). This can be done by hand, easy.
Now use $\operatorname{adj} A \cdot A = \Delta \cdot I$ so
$$\Delta \operatorname{adj}(A) \cdot A = I$$
From here we get
$$A^t A = \Delta \operatorname{adj} (A) A \cdot A^t A = \Delta \operatorname{adj}( A ) A= I$$
the entries of $A$ are from a commutative ring with $1$.
The equalities above could be written component-wise
$\bf{Added:}$ Here is how one could write the desired equalities as a consequence of the given ones. Consider the identity:
$$A^t A - I = \Delta \operatorname{adj}(A) (A A^t-I) A - (\Delta^2-1)(A^t A - I)$$
Write the entries of $A A^t-I$ as $p$, $q$, $r$, $s$, use $\Delta^2-1$ as a consequence of $p=q=r=s=0$, fire your favorite CAS and get some equalities for the entries of $A^t A-I$.
From $a^2+b^2=1$ and $c^2+d^2=1$, and $a c + b d = 0 $ we get
$$1=(a^2+b^2)(c^2+d^2)-(a c + b d)^2 = a^2 d^2-2 a b c d + b^2 c^2 = (a d - b c)^2$$
Now consider the identity, where $\Delta = (a d - b c)$, $p=a^2+b^2-1$, $q= a c + b d$, $s= c^2+d^2-1$
$$\Delta( a d p + c d q - a b q - b c s, b d p + d^2 q-b^2 q - b d s, - b c p - c d q + a b q + a d s) - (\Delta^2-1)(a^2+c^2-1, a b + c d, b^2+d^2-1) = \\ = (a^2+c^2-1, a b + c d, b^2+d^2-1)$$
R.<a,b,c,d> = QQ[]; I = ideal(a^2+b^2-1,c^2+d^2-1,a*c+b*d); (a^2+c^2-1) in I; (b^2+d^2-1) in I; (a*b+c*d) in I
-- so presumably, a manual Groebner basis calculation could find the same thing. (Though the Groebner basis that's calculated, at least for the default monomial order, balloons to 6 generators.. And with the lexicographic order, it also results in 6 generators. So that would probably be a lot of work to do manually.) $\endgroup$