I'm hoping for help in deriving the two-variable generating function for the Catalan triangle, also known as a truncated version of Pascal's triangle. There are a few variations floating around, so to be specific we take the Catalan triangle (with 0's) to be OEIS A053121 $$\begin{matrix} 1\\ 0&1\\ 1&0&1\\ 0&2&0&1\\ 2&0&3&0&1\\ 0&5&0&4&0&1\\ 5&0&9&0&5&0&1\\ \dots\\ \end{matrix}$$ where for the top row $a_{0,0}=1$ and $a_{0,c}=0$ for $c\ge1$, for the leftmost column where the truncation takes place $a_{r,0}=a_{r-1,1}$ for $r\ge1$, and the general recurrence relation is $a_{r,c}=a_{r-1,c-1}+a_{r-1,c+1}$ for $r,c\ge1$. Notice that the non-zero entries in the leftmost column seem to form the Catalan numbers.
Here is what I've got so far, following THE METHOD in chapter 1 of Wilf's generatingfunctionology book. First, define the two-variable generating function $$f(x,y)=\sum_{r,c\ge0}a_{r,c}\,x^cy^r$$ and the one-variable generating functions $$Row_r(x)=\sum_{c\ge0}a_{r,c}\,x^c\text{ and }Col_c(y)=\sum_{r\ge0}a_{r,c}\,y^r$$ so that $$f(x,y)=\sum_{r\ge0} Row_r(x) y^r=\sum_{c\ge0}Col_c(y) x^c.$$ You can multiply the terms of the general recurrence relation by $x^c$ and sum over $c\ge1$ to get $$Row_r(x)=\left(x+\frac1x\right)Row_{r-1}(x)-\frac1x a_{r-1,0}$$ and then multiply the terms of this functional relation by $y^r$ and sum over $r\ge1$ to get $$f(x,y)=\frac{yCol_{0}(y)-x}{x^2y+y-x}.$$
The problem is that this formulation of $f$ depends on the generating function for the leftmost column. My question is:
without using the observation that the non-zero entries in the leftmost column form the Catalan numbers, and only using the recurrence relation above for $a_{r,c}$ with its boundary conditions, how can you determine the two-variable generating function $f(x,y)$?
Incidentally, the OEIS page for the Catalan triangle gives $$f(x,y)=\frac{c(y^2)}{1-xyc(y^2)},$$ where $c(y)=\frac{1-\sqrt{1-4y} }{2y}$ is the generating function for the Catalan numbers, as a note from Emeric Deutsch.