The problem
Let $ABCDA'B'C'D'$ be a rectangular parallelepiped. We denote the projections of the vertex $B'$ on the diagonals $A'B, BC', A'C'$ by $M, N, P$.
$a)$ Show that $B'M$ and $B'N$ are the distances from point $B'$ to the planes $(A'BD')$ and $(ABC')$ respectively
$b)$ Prove that the lines $BP,A'N , C'M$ are concurrent
My idea
For point $a)$ we know that because $ABCDA'B'C'D'$ is a rectangular parallelepiped $A'D' \perp (ABB'A')=> A'D' \perp MB'$ and we also know $MB' \perp A'B$ so we demonstrated that $MB' \perp (D'A'B)$ which means that the distance from $B'$ to $(A'BD')$ is $MB'$
The same thing we do for the other distance:
we know that because $ABCDA'B'C'D'$ is a rectangular parallelepiped $AB \perp (BCC'B')=> AB \perp B'N$ and we also know $B'N \perp BC'$ so we demonstrated that $B'N \perp (ABC')$ which means that the distance from $B'$ to $(ABC')$ is $B'N$
Now for point $b)$ I thought of using the reciprocal of the theorem of Ceva so I calculated the ratios determined by $M, N, P$ in triangle $BA'C'$ using the theorem of the cathetus.
$C'P=\frac{B'C'^2}{A'C'}, PA'=\frac{B'A'^2}{A'C'}$ so $\frac{PA'}{C'P}=\frac{B'A'^2}{B'C'^2}$
Analogous, we get that $\frac{PA'}{C'P}*\frac{C'N}{NB} \frac{MB}{A'M}= \frac{B'A'^2}{B'C'^2} \frac{B'C'^2}{B'B^2} \frac{B'B^2}{B'A'^2}=1$
so we proved that the lines $BP, A'N, C'M$ are concurrent
I'm unsure if I used the reciprocal of the theorem of ceva right or if I missed any info I should know before using it.
I hope one of you can help me! Thank you!