Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field. Let $SL(n,K), GL(n,K)$ denote the special linear group and general group respectively, and $D(n,K)$ is the diagonal subgroup of $GL(n,K)$.
Then $SL(n,K) \cap D(n,K)$ must be a torus, i.e. a connected diagonalizable subgroup, of $SL(n,K)$. But, must it be maximal?
When char$K=0$, this seems to be the case. When $K=\mathbb{Z}/(2)$ and $n=2$, $SL(2,K) \cap D(2,K)=\{e\}$, here, $e$ denotes the identity element of the two groups. And $e$ is the only diagonalizable matrix in $SL(2,K)$, so this is verified.
But how to prove that this is true in general? And if is not true, what is its counterexample?
Many thanks~