Let $S_n := |X_1| + \dots + |X_n|$. We truncate each $|X_i|$ for $1 \leq i \leq n$ at $Cn$ for some $C$ to be chosen later, by writing $|X_i| = |X_i|_{\leq Cn} + |X_i|_{> Cn}$, where $|X_i|_{\leq Cn} := |X_i|1_{|X_i| \leq Cn}$ and $|X_i|_{> Cn} := |X_i|1_{|X_i| > Cn}$, similarly decompose $S_n = S_{n, \leq} + S_{n, >}$, where $S_{n, \leq} := |X_1|_{\leq Cn} + \dots + |X_n|_{\leq Cn}$ and $S_{n, >} := |X_1|_{> Cn} + \dots + |X_n|_{> Cn}$.
The random variable $|X|1_{|X| \leq Cn}$ can be computed to have mean
$\displaystyle {\bf E}(|X|1_{|X| \leq Cn}) = \frac{1}{\pi} \int_{\bf R} \frac{|x|1_{|x| \leq Cn}}{{1+x^2}}\ dx = \frac{1}{\pi} \int_{-Cn}^{Cn} \frac{|x|}{1 + x^2}\ dx = \log(C^2 n^2 + 1) / \pi$
and we can upper bound the variance by
$\displaystyle {\bf Var}(|X|1_{|X| \leq Cn}) \leq {\bf E}(|X|1_{|X| \leq Cn})^2 = \frac{1}{\pi} \int_{\bf R} \frac{x^21_{|x| \leq Cn}}{1+x^2}\ dx = \frac{2}{\pi}(Cn - \tan^{-1}(Cn))$
and hence $S_{n,\leq}/n$ has mean $\log(C^2 n^2 + 1)/\pi$ and variance at most $\displaystyle \frac{2/\pi \cdot (Cn - \tan^{-1}(Cn))}{n}$. By Chebyshev’s inequality, we thus have
$\displaystyle {\bf P}(|S_{n,\leq}/n - \log(C^2 n^2 + 1)/\pi| \geq \lambda) \leq \frac{2/\pi \cdot (Cn - \tan^{-1}(Cn))}{n{\lambda}^2}$
for any $\lambda > 0$.
We now turn to $S_{n,>}$. Observe that the random variable ${|X|1_{|X|>Cn}}$ is only nonzero with probability
$\displaystyle 1 - {\bf P}(|X| \leq Cn) = 1 - \frac{1}{\pi}\int_{-Cn}^{Cn} \frac{1}{1 + x^2}\ dx = 1 - \frac{2 \tan^{-1}(Cn)}{\pi}$.
Thus $S_{n,>}$ is nonzero with probability at most $\displaystyle n(1 - \frac{2 \tan^{-1}(Cn)}{\pi})$. By the triangle inequality, we conclude that
$\displaystyle {\bf P}(|S_n/n - \log(C^2 n^2 + 1)/\pi| \geq \lambda) \leq \frac{2/\pi(Cn - \tan^{-1}(Cn))}{n{\lambda}^2} + n(1 - \frac{2 \tan^{-1}(Cn)}{\pi})$
which is valid for any $\lambda > 0$. If we pick $C = \lambda = \sqrt{\log n}$, we see that
$\displaystyle {\bf P}(|S_n/n\log n - \log(n^2 \log n + 1)/\pi \log n| \geq \frac{1}{\sqrt{\log n}}) \leq O(\frac{1}{\log^{1/2} n})$
which for large $n$ implies
$\displaystyle {\bf P}(|S_n/n\log n - 2/\pi| \geq \frac{1}{\sqrt{\log n}}) \leq O(\frac{1}{\log^{1/2} n})$, giving the result.